to share, or not to share…..that is the question

Why the heading for this blog post…well let’s just say Mama bear has been hiding in her den with her newest little cub! Recently alot of you have been asking on Facebook and to me personally “when are we going to see more pics of your baby?” Since having my little guy I have been struggling with how much of my personal life to share on the internet and, as one may assume, my baby has been the MOST PERSONAL thing that I have. I want to be able to share him with the world but a part of me also wants to protect him from social media and where it may go in the future. Even as much as having his name out there kinda wierds me out for some reason. I have spoke to other photographers and friends who share their kids on FB and blogs and I think they all have valid points. I guess the moral of the story is that someday he could look back at my blog that served as a documentation his life and our life together.

So without further a due here is me, my little man, my camera on self timer and our first portrait together. Life has been busy so to get family pics done has been a bit of a challenge. So today without an appt with a photographer, without hair and makeup done, with the ratty sweater I wore throughout my pregnancy and wrapped him in from birth this is US. In our fullest, exposed raw self!

I guess there is no better way to remember this time other than just… IT.

Thanks for listening and soon will be more pics of this little man. But for right now Mama bear only has one foot outside her be honest if I could stay with him in there forever that would make my heart content!



  1. Megan says:

    Please do share more! :) I would love it if my mom had kept a blog with pictures of me growing up. I still to this day enjoy going through all the photo albums she made of us. Except most of the pictures have aged with time and not the best. So that’s the plus side of technology now. You are beautiful and glowing in these pictures. He’s so adorable.

  2. kim says:

    absolutely darling…love at first sight….for all of us!