the boho owlet – 2


Welcome back to the second installment of “The Boho Owlet!” Thanks for all the great comments and it looks like this is something of interest and an overall hit!

So let’s get down to business… The above swaddles were introduced to me by a friend and are BY FAR the softest swaddles EVER. I think due to the fact that they are bamboo;) Anyway, my little one loves them and I am constantly washing them so he doesn’t have to go without! I think the bamboo ones come in limited patterns and I picked mine up at a local adorable baby store called Giggle in the Scottsdale Quarter! Click here to order online! Here’s a little secret….somtimes if I have to be away from my little one I will throw the peacock feather one around my neck! Makes a cute scarf and smells like him too! ha

Ok, below is a very critical component! I am not sure why I didn’t add this to my registry but I went without it for about 6 weeks! DUMB idea because this little gem heats the bottle to the same temp everytime by using steam. I got mine here at Target but I am sure they are all over! Mine is a digital one so a little more $ but worth it when it is 2am and you are too tired to run a bottle under hot water to warm it up! I don’t know what I was thinking by not having one but a MUST for all you parents!

Ok, so not all these product are necessarily FUN, but a real lifesaver! If you end up breastfeeding and pumping you will learn REAL fast that not having your hands free will frustrate you and that is the last thing you need at this time. So I started using this and it has been worth EVERY PENNY!!! Different sizes are a little hard to find and you want it pretty tight so I got mine online here on Amazon!

That’s it for the second installment of “The Boho Owlet!” Hope many of you find some of these products and tips of use! Please feel free to leave a comment to let me know how you are liking these posts;)

Thanks for stopping by!


The Boho Owlet

  1. Amber Tillinghast says:

    I keep adding thins to y registry that you recommend and look forward to reading your blogs ! Would love to hear about the bottles you like !

  2. Katina says:

    Oh great Amber! I am glad you are enjoying! I will blog my bottle but in the mean time I use melela! A lot of moms love Dr browns but my baby didn’t! I would recommend just getting a few different ones and seeing which one your baby prefers:) then buy more of that kind! Hope that helps:) so excited to see pics of Cora!!!